Areas of Life to Set Goals

How to get your life together and achieve focus and balance in all parts of life.

What is the point of life?

  • Growth
  • Development
  • Maturation
  • Increase
  • Emergence
  • Bear Fruit
  • Evolvement
  • Progression
  • Transformation
  • Self-Actualization

“The full realization of one’s potential”

Abraham Maslow

So How Do You Self-Actualize/ Reach Your Full Potential?

The same way you eat an elephant, one bite at a time. Chunk it down into its smallest part and take one step at a time. In reality, this means using a model to divide your life into different areas, scoring where you are now in that area, setting goals to improve, and then taking action.

So, where do you find a model for life areas?

You look at other people who have succeeded in different areas of life and use them as role models. Most people would agree that Tony Robbins is as good a role model as any, and the model I am going to share with you today I learned from the man who first coached Tony Robbins, his name is Wyatt Woodsmall. 

Dr. Wyatt Woodsmall has been serving as a mentor to some of the biggest influencers in the world, and I was fortunate enough to attend many trainings with Wyatt Woodsmall and Eben Pagan in Los Angeles.

What Are The Areas Of Life? How to categorize your life to improve in important areas.

In Wyatt Woodsmall and Eben Pagan – Mind Control Program, they taught us a useful model to use for goal setting. It looked something like this:

PHYSICALIn or On Your BodyYour Wealth
EMOTIONALYour EmotionsYour Relationships
INTELLECTUALYour EducationYour Work

I remember thinking at the time what about SPIRITUAL? So when I got back home and rewatched the training and redid the exercise I added in Spiritual so my goal-setting areas of life looked something like this.

PHYSICALIn or On Your BodyYour Wealth
EMOTIONALYour EmotionsYour Relationships
INTELLECTUALYour EducationYour Work
SPIRITUALYour EthosYour Community

Then I learned hypnosis and trained as a hypnotist and as part of that training, I learned about mesmerism and energy work. I traveled to Thailand and learned from Mantak Chia about Tao and the concept of Chi and the techniques of Qigong. 

My husband and I attended a tantra workshop, where we were taught tantra couples yoga, and have gone on to explore other tantra courses and learned tantra meditation for couples and other tantric massage techniques.

I was also very fortunate to continue my tantric training and learned tantric healing and tantric energy healing, with a master who wishes to remain anonymous.

So I added ENERGY to my goal-setting areas of life and my current areas of life to set goals it looks like this.

Life Areas For Goal Setting
Life Areas For Goal Setting



The EXTERNAL deals with HOW YOU SHOW UP IN THE WORLD: Areas 6 to 10

The Areas of Life to Set Goals

This model helps you to visualize your life and understand how it fits together in a simple and easy-to-understand way. 

You need to understand the basic fundamentals of personal development before you can start doing anything. This is because personal development is not a one-time deal. We’ve created a step-by-step personal development roadmap designed to help you get the most out of your life. In this model for Personal Development, each pillar is built on the foundation of the one before it.

How You Treat Yourself, Your Self-Care Areas 1-5 Are The INTERNAL Areas of Life

1) Physical Health and Fitness

Internal Physical – In or On Your Body 

Internal Physical
Internal Physical

How to Improve Your Physical Health and Fitness

This area involves the body itself and is defined as everything that happens in our bodies. Think of everything on or inside your skin. Sub-categories you could look at include:

  • Health Habits
  • Fitness, Exercise, and Sports
  • Nutrition and Eating habits
  • Hydration
  • Lifestyle choices (like smoking or regular checkups)
  • Energy levels
  • Sleep
  • Rest
  • Relaxation
  • Rejuvenation
  • Appearance

In my experience, the majority of people who succeed at creating more abundance in their life are those who have become very good at managing their health. Health management is simply another way of saying self-care. You can’t create more abundance if you’re not taking care of yourself. This doesn’t mean that you need to get up at 5 am and do three hours of cardio five days a week or go on a juice fast every month. It just means that you need to take care of yourself so that you have the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual energy you need to create a more abundant and fulfilling life.

Many people ignore their health. They don’t care about how they look and how well they feel. A lot of people put off taking care of their health because they think that they don’t have time. There are some people who do this because they’re lazy. Others are too busy with their work. Some people are so focused on doing things that they forget to take care of themselves.

See also  Step 4 – Planning: How to Plan a Major Change and Make It Work

If you want to be healthy and successful, you need to have good health habits. The first step to having good health habits is to have a plan. In addition, you need to have discipline. You will also need to make your health a priority. You can’t neglect yourself when you want to create more abundance in your life.

Internal Physical is the foundation and is where I recommend you start because without balance in this area; it is very difficult to regulate the other areas. Think about the last time you were hangry, tired from lack of sleep, or in pain. Everything else takes a back seat to get your physical needs met.

2) Emotional Health and Mental Health

Internal Emotional – Your Emotional Regulation, Your Self-Love, Your Feelings 

Internal Emotional
Internal Emotional

This area involves your emotions and is defined as everything that happens that affects your internal emotions. Your internal emotional state is what you feel inside. It includes:

  • Self-Talk
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Mindset and Attitude
  • Mood
  • Self-Esteem
  • Self-Confidence
  • Self-Belief

It affects the way you interact with people and how you communicate with yourself, your boss, your children, your spouse, and your colleagues. Your internal emotional state is often a major factor in determining your performance. A negative internal emotional state can have a negative effect on your ability to do a job well. If you’re feeling angry or upset, it’s hard for you to control your emotions and focus on a task. And if you’re feeling anxious, you might be distracted by your thoughts. If you have a positive internal emotional state, you’ll be focused, and you’ll be able to think clearly about your task.

To get an idea of what your internal emotional state is, you should keep a log of your moods. You should write down the activities you were involved in and the events that happened to you. After a while, you’ll see that some patterns begin to emerge. For example, your moods tend to change throughout the day. In the morning, you might be more positive than you are at noon. At night, you may tend to be more positive than you are during the day. By knowing this information, you can adjust your schedule so you can avoid situations that can affect your internal emotional state.

Without emotional stability, you will find it difficult to have intellectual growth, as having high emotions affects your ability to take in new information and learn.

3) Personal Development and Self-Improvement

Internal Intellectual – Your Knowledge, Your Education, Your Thinking Skills

Internal Intellectual
Internal Intellectual

The third area is internal intellectual. It Includes:

  • Your Knowledge
  • Your Education
  • Problem-Solving
  • School
  • Intellect and Education
  • Logic
  • Reasoning
  • Organization
  • Critical Thinking
  • Analyzing
  • Drawing Conclusions.

These are the tools you can use to solve problems and learn new things. They’re the things that can help you be a better version of yourself. 

Knowledge is understanding and being able to answer questions and solve problems. You can’t really improve your thinking skills without some form of education. So, the more education you have, the better you are at learning and thinking about new concepts and ideas. In my opinion, knowledge and education are the most important areas of influence. If you’re not growing and learning, you’ll stagnate and lose the ability to grow and progress as you get older. The more educated you are, the better you are at solving problems. Knowledge helps you to gain new perspectives. 

Thinking skills include problem-solving, logic, reasoning, and organization. You can also learn and improve your thinking skills by using critical thinking techniques. When you think, you need to think for yourself. If you have any doubts about the information, then you must think critically and research the topic before you come to a decision.

 Critical thinking means asking questions, looking for reasons, and analyzing facts and arguments to reach a conclusion. The key to critical thinking is asking questions, looking for answers, and finding out the truth. To think critically, you should always question what you hear and read. When you hear something that you don’t agree with, you should consider it and find out why others disagree.

Without intellect, you have no ethics

4) Internal Moral Code

Internal Spiritual – Your Values, Your Ethos, Your Conscience

Internal Spiritual
Internal Spiritual

The fourth area is internal spirituality. It Includes:

  • Your Ethos
  • Your Conscience
  • Your Morals
  • Your Values
  • Spirituality
  • Spiritual Growth and Spiritual Development
  • Faith

This is the area of personal philosophy you must define to be successful in your career. There is a reason why this is listed fourth. Because this area is so crucial to your success and your happiness. It is the area that gives your life meaning, purpose, and direction. So, what do I mean by “internal spiritual”?

Your internal spiritual is how you carry yourself within yourself and how you see others. It is the set of values you hold dear. It is the moral compass you follow and your conscience. It is the standard by which you judge your own actions and those of others. It is what you believe to be right and wrong. The following is a list of some of the most common ways to describe what constitutes this aspect of your being.

“A person is defined by their values,” he said, “what they stand for. Their conscience is the inner voice telling them whether they live according to those values. Their morals are their code of ethics. Their conscience is the barometer of what is right and wrong for them. And their ethos is the guiding force that keeps them in alignment with their values.”

People who are highly ethical tend to view themselves as having a higher purpose than simply making money. These people also tend to put a premium on loyalty and personal relationships. They are often referred to as ethical leaders or visionaries. To become an ethical leader, it is essential to have a clear vision of the type of world that you want to live in. You should also develop a set of moral and ethical standards that you will live up to. It is also important to have a strong conscience. Most of us can be swayed by our feelings or emotions, but if you have a strong, clear sense of right and wrong, you will be less likely to stray from it.

See also  The 4th Area: Internal Spiritual – Your Ethos, Your Conscience, Your Moral Code and Personal Ethics.

Without ethics, you spend your energy on unproductive things (think of revenge.)

5) Bio-Energy or Chi

Internal Energy – Your Vitality 

Internal Energy
Internal Energy

The fifth area is internal energy. It Includes:

  • Your Chi,
  • Your Life Force
  • Your Bio-Energy

Your internal energy represents your vital life force. It exists within your body and influences every cell of your body. It is the source of all life and vitality.  

In Chinese culture, they believe that there is a power that flows through everything. This energy is called Qi or Chi. Qi is a word that means life force energy. Your body has Qi, and your mind has Qi. Qi is the source of life. The flow of Qi keeps you healthy, strong, and energetic. Qi is like an electric current that goes through you. The vital energy keeps your heart beating and your brain thinking. When you are relaxed, it moves down your spine, and when you are angry, it builds up in your head. Qi is different from your physical strength. Your strength comes from eating nutritious foods and working out to build up muscle. Qi is more subtle than muscle and is your life’s invisible source. It comes from your soul, your spirit, and your mind. It comes from your internal energy. You have an internal energy source that never runs out. It’s your power, your source of life, and your vitality.

Now that you understand the power of chi energy, it’s time to start using it. The more you learn about chi, the more you’ll begin to feel it flowing through your body. The more you feel it, the more you’ll start to understand how to harness it for health and healing. To begin, take some time to practice visualizing and feeling the flow of chi through your body. If you do, you’ll begin to see how this powerful energy connects with all parts of the body.

A key aspect of the power of chi is the ability to tap into and maintain internal energy reserves. However, when you’re drained and feel tired all day, it’s easy to lose sight of your incredible power. That’s why it’s important to always keep your energy flowing. Here are some ways to do that: Qigong, Yoga Nidra, TaiChi, Jade Egg Practices, and Micro Cosmic Orbit.

Without energy, you can’t do it, and you will not achieve it.

How You Show Up In The World Areas 6-10 Are The EXTERNAL Areas of Life

6) Physical Environment, Property, and Wealth

External Physical – Your Finances, Your Environment, Your Stuff 

External Physical
External Physical

The sixth area is external physical. It Includes:

  • Your Wealth, as in Finances and Money
  • Income
  • Budgeting
  • Debt
  • Investment
  • Retirement plan
  • Your Property, as in House and Car
  • Your Tools and Equipment
  • Your Resources
  • Your Environment
  • Home Life
  • Things, Gadgets, and Gizmos

I believe that if you’re looking for success, you need to create an ecosystem that supports you in creating that success. You need to create an environment that makes you feel comfortable and happy.

It is also necessary to have some of the basic necessities of life. For example, you might need to have some money to buy food and clothes.

In addition, you need to have the proper equipment, tools, and resources at your disposal. We all have to have these things, and gadgets play a big part in our life. The first thing I would say about this category is that if you have stuff, make sure it’s used, useful, and meaningful. If you’re going to buy something, make sure you can use it or get some use out of it.

What are the things we own, use, or have that we value? We spend a lot of money on things that have value to us, and we should. Our wealth is our assets, and our gadgets are the tools we use to accomplish our goals.

You can use wealth to conserve energy and reduce your worrying and suffering.

And don’t forget to look after those who matter to you; otherwise, you will have poor relationships, and without others, you will not go far 

7) Your Relationships

External Emotional – Your Relationships with Others: Family, Friends, and Social

External Emotional
External Emotional

Sub-categories depending on the season of your life, you can break this down further, and you could look at include:

  • Your Family
  • Your Romantic Partner, Intimate Relationships Romance, and Marriage
    – Finding a Partner
    – Keeping Your Partner
  • Parenthood and the Development of Children
  • Your Friends
  • Your Work Colleagues
  • Casual Acquaintances
  • Community Involvement, Community Activities, and Volunteering
  • Contribution

This area focuses on your external emotional state. Your relationships are also a key element in the way you show up in the world and interact with others. In other words, your relationship status matters. The more stable the relationship you have, the better able you are to take on the tasks you have at hand. 

External emotions are just as important as internal emotions. We care about our relationships with others because it affects us emotionally. Relationships affect us and how we act and think. We need to feel comfortable and confident in our relationships, both personally and professionally.

They influence you to act in certain ways. If you’re afraid of saying no to your partner, for example, you may avoid conflict. But this can cause your relationship to suffer in the long run. Similarly, if you’re too shy to ask for what you want, you’ll end up with fewer opportunities.

We all have relationships with people who are important to us. Whether they are our romantic partners, our friends, or our colleagues, it is essential that we care about and show concern for these relationships. It is also crucial to maintain the positive feelings that we have for these relationships and to avoid alienating them or making them feel neglected or unimportant. Our relationships with other people are often the foundation of our self-esteem and happiness, and if we take them for granted, we set ourselves up for emotional pain and failure. The most important thing you can do to protect yourself from relationship failure is to maintain a healthy, balanced attitude toward the people who are important to you.

See also  The 9th Area: External Spiritual – Your Group, Your Tribe, Your Community.

There is a very important principle of leadership that you must always remember – people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. It is important to be a leader in your own organization, but even more important to be a leader in the lives of others. So cultivating your relationships will help you with your work.

8) Avocational and Vocational

External Intellectual – Your Hobbies, Work, Career, Business

External Intellectual
External Intellectual

The eighth area is external intellect. It Includes:

  • Your Work
  • Your Products
  • Your Contribution To Society 
  • Adventure and Travel
  • Hobbies
  • Passions
  • Leisure
  • Creativity
  • Play and fun

In addition to your internal intellectual abilities, it is essential to understand and utilize the external intellectual ability to gain success in your career. What does this mean? External intellectual ability involves having a keen awareness of who you are at work, what your skills are, and what you produce for the world.  In other words, it’s the ability to leverage both internal and external intellectual skills to propel yourself forward.

You need to think of yourself as a brand. Think about how people will perceive you when they see your name or hear it on the news. How will they think of you? How will you be perceived? Will they respect you? How do you want to be perceived? What do you want others to say about you? These are questions that you should ask yourself. You must know what you want to achieve and where you want to go. You must be aware of what your strengths are and where you can use those strengths to your advantage.

External intellectual ability means taking stock of your strengths and weaknesses. When you are thinking about your career, you should ask yourself what you are good at. If you aren’t sure, you can think of your strengths and weaknesses and analyze them. You should also think about the things you can do to improve on your weaknesses. Make sure that you find ways to improve your strengths and enhance your weaknesses. There are a lot of things you can do to make yourself more successful.

Without meaningful work and contribution, you are a parasite, and your tribe will reject you.

9) Your Community and The Society You Keep

External Spiritual – Your Community, Your Tribe 

External Spiritual
External Spiritual

The ninth area is external spirituality. It Includes:

  • Your Group
  • Your Tribe
  • Your Community
  • Your Network
  • Where you choose to spend your free time
  • Where do you like to hang out
  • Contribution
  • Religion, Faith, Church Involvement, Scripture Study, and Personal Commitment
  • Subtler is the country you live in
  • Subtler is the community you live in and where you grew up
  • Subtler are the language/s you speak
  • Subtler are the culture/s you are exposed to

If we’re talking about the “external spiritual” side of life, that could mean your religious group, your place of worship, your political affiliation, or your favorite sports team. These are areas where you spend most of your time, whether consciously or unconsciously. These areas should be thought about carefully if you are looking to build a tribe of people who feel like they are part of your network and have the same values and goals.

In my opinion, one of the greatest challenges that we have to face in life is to be able to have the right people around us. Sometimes, you may have people who are with you, but they may not share the same values and beliefs that you do. We need people who will support us and who are willing to help us. If you find yourself alone, you should consider going out and making new friends. You may want to join a club or some sort of organization. In the end, you need people in your life who will support you and make you feel better. If you have good people in your life, you should always try to make them feel appreciated and honored. You should treat your friends well.

When you are spending your free time, don’t let yourself be limited by the places that you feel comfortable at or the groups that you know. You can broaden your horizons and try new things. That’s how you can build a better and more complete network of people.

Without a tribe/community – what’s the point?

10) Being In The Zone and Finding Your Flow

External Energy – Being In The Zone, Your Flow 

External Energy
External Energy

The tenth area is external energy. It Includes:

  • Your Flow
  • Your Joy
  • Being In The Zone
  • Being Tapped In, Tuned In, and Turned On 
  • Intrinsically Motivated

Being tapped in, tuned in, and turned on is where we crave to be. Here we are vibrating at the right frequency.  This means being fully present in the moment. You have to let go of any worries or stress that can be put aside.

Energy, when it flows freely, is pure joy. The flow of energy is a critical aspect of life that we can develop and tap into to experience joy, happiness, and peace. Our natural state is to flow; we are designed for connection, connection, and connection.

What does it feel like to be plugged into your life’s flow? What does it feel like to be tapped into? To be turned on? The kind of energy that will allow us to be at our best and in the best place to enjoy the best things in life.

We’re all energy, and it radiates out from our core. Most people think the key to happiness is happiness, but I think the key to being happy is being able to flow. Flow is when you are in the zone when you’re in the groove when you’re feeling good. It’s not just when you’re feeling happy, or when you’re excited, or when you’re laughing, or when you’re singing or dancing, or when you’re exercising. When you’re in the flow, you feel energized, and even if you don’t feel happy, you know that something good is happening, you know that something powerful is going on, and you know that you’re getting tuned in, turned on, and connected.

In Conclusion

Goal setting is an important part of life, and it can be beneficial to set goals in all areas of life. Setting goals helps us to focus our energy on what we want to achieve, and gives us a sense of purpose and direction.

Goals can help us stay motivated and organized, as well as provide a sense of accomplishment when we reach them. Goals can also help us prioritize our time and resources so that we can make the most out of our lives.

It is important to set goals in all areas of life, such as career, relationships, health, education, finances, hobbies, and leisure activities. By setting goals in each area of life, we can ensure that we are making progress toward achieving our overall objectives.

We should strive to set realistic yet challenging goals for ourselves in order to maximize our potential and live a fulfilling life.